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Premium WordPress Password Protected Content:Password Protected Plugin

Premium WordPress Password Protected Content

Frustrated because you’d just like to password protect select content within a post or page and not the entire content, and don’t care to install a full featured membership plugin to do it?

We feel your pain. Which is why we created the Password Protect Selected Content Plugin!

Simply drop it into plugins and once activated you’ll see a nice new ‘Password Protect’ icon added to your Visual editor that you can use to password protect selected content.


Now it is a simple as select your content to protect and add the password.


Presto! Now they’ll be able to see what you want them to read while needing to enter a password to view the protected content.


Neato! Heh?

You can even protect shortcodes from other plugins in your content, such as video embeds or file download links.

Category: Plus Premium WordPress Plugins, Premium WordPress Plugins