So here’s a great way to engage your site’s visitors while getting feedback from them at the same time. Let them vote!
Our Post Voting Plugin lets your visitors or logged in users vote on your posts. Just install and activate it and it’s ready to go right out of the box!
We weren’t content to just give you a basic voting plugin. We’ve packed it full of powerful features including:
- Super-sleek stat screen in your Dashboard, including a network stat screen in the Network Admin Dashboard on a Multisite
- Includes its own set of widgets for most popular posts and for post voting
- Allow voting for unregistered visitors
- Built in IP check to help prevent multiple post voting
- Includes 5 built in voting icon sets
- Customizable positioning of the voting box
- Includes shortcodes for further customization
Check it out!
Simply install and activate the plugin and you’ll see a new ‘Post Voting’ menu below Settings and ‘Voting Stats’ below Dashboard in your site admin dashboard.
Your readers can immediately start voting! No configuration required.
And you can easily control the location of the vote icons, their appearance and who can vote in Settings > Post Voting.
While easily checking out your voting stats in Dashboard > Voting Stats.
And display a list of your top rated posts for your readers on a site using the handy widget.
Or help them remember to vote using the Voting widget!
Plus show top rate posts from across your network on your main site.
We’ve also provided you with extensive Shortcodes.
Check them out in Settings > Post Voting!
As if the shortcodes weren’t already enough, you can fully customize your theme to work with the plugin using any of the slew of included template tags. How cool is that?